Friday, September 18, 2015


He was the most travelled man of the 19th century, A great Evangelist and the founder of Church of God Mission In. It was the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa that said, “God has given you a head so that he can rest” This is a perfect truth but I have noticed especially in Africa that we often don’t use our brain, we like to work and not work smart. Let me illustrate with this short story. A young man was working tirelessly to cut a tree, for over 5 hours, he had been cutting the tree. An old lumberjack saw him and said, “You look exhausted, how long have you been cutting?” “For over 5hours”, replied the young man. The old man said, “Then, why you take a break and sharpen your saw?” the young man replied, “I don’t like sharpening and anyway, I don’t have time right now. I am too busy sawing” Now you understand why the tree won’t be cut down by the young man in the story simply because he had refused to sharpen his saw. But most people are like the young man in the story. They never take time to sharpen, think and re-strategize; all they do is work, work and work. When you do the same job, expect the same result and salary. One day, sit down and make use of your brain, to bring out ideas that will improve your life. You can earn more money, be more effective to your organization or company only when you make use of your brain. Listen to Abraham Lincoln that, “if I have 10hours to cut a tree, I will spend six hours sharpening my axe” You can deduct the meaning from the above statement.


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