Here you will find all the information you need to advertise on this blog.
If this is your first visit here, I recommend that you read the introduction page to know more about the "Ben Odes Blog" and all that this blog has to offer.

Otherwise, you could jump straight to Advertisement and Partnership opportunities as you scroll downwards.

1.  An Introduction to Ben Odes Blog
Hi, I’m Ben Prolific Odes – CEO of Ben Odes Global Business Ventures, I am the person behind Ben Odes blog and your point of contact for all media related inquiries.
Let me give you an overview of the website and some of the advertisement options available for your business.
I started Ben Odes Blog in September 2015 out of a personal vision to showcase my writing skills and creative ability to a global audience... and one of the objectives is to inspire young writer and creative minds both in the country and abroad to realize the potential they have and that they can get to the top and achieve greatness.
The blog primarily supports Creativity, innovation, originality and dedication.
 …and in a few short years, Ben Odes blog has become so popular among such a global audience, attracting visitors in the following GEOGRAPHICAL areas in percentages:
Nigeria = 34%
Africa = 21.7%
Europe = 19.1%
America = 15%
Asia = 7.2%
Oceania = 3%
A rundown of the blog other demographics....
Male = 79.2%
Female = 20.9%
11 - 20years = 30.1%.
21 - 30years. = 26.5%
31 - 40years = 25.5%
41 - 50years = 13.9%
51 - Above......4%
The feedback from inquiries, consultations with several leads shows that Ben Odes Blog is become an AUTHORITY BLOG delivering motivational articles, inspiration and information, education, related product reviews and recommendations that the global audience can trust and use without doubt.

Ben Odes Blog is indeed a blog for everyone both young and old. For the three years, it has been recognized as one of the most active blogs in the online community.

My personal mission with Ben Odes blog is to motivation, inspire and create in youths the passion needed to succeed and surmount above all obstacles.
2. Advertisement and partnership opportunities
Recognizing that every partnership is different, we provide our clients with an extensive array of advertisement solutions.
We are selective with partners, choosing only those companies/services that meet our quality of standards.
We seek out long-term partnerships with businesses that are committed to delivering quality services or products that are user-centric.

Here are some available advertising opportunities that we offer at Ben Odes blog depending upon your individual marketing strategy, you can pick one or create a custom bundle suited to your needs.
Product reviews are one of the specialties of Ben Odes blog
We not only accept comprehensive reviews, we also share tutorials and guides to using your product. If your product is in sync with our readers interest and the topics of our blog, drop me an email with details and we can discuss rates.
I’m a strong believer in the concept that “one price doesn’t fit all” and that’s why, depending upon the specific product, we will hash out a custom quote for the review.
·        Our premium package starts at $50 for Evergreen Sponsored review (which means the post will ever be there as long as this blog exist).
·        Limited time or basic review goes for $50/month.
All of our display ad slots are competitive so you may have to book ahead. We only sell a minimum of Monthly Advert rate
Here are the available spots:

468*60 Header: $500/month (premium slot)

360*280 Sidebar: $25/month (premium slot)

468*60 session bar; $10/month (Only Homepage view)
Instigate link or 400*50 on Special or Popular trending posts: $10/month
We accept giveaway offers. Contact us for a customized quote. If you have a creative idea for ad placement or running a media campaign, feel free to contact us. Creative ideas are always welcome.
You can pay directly into our GT Bank account 
Account Number: 0167428007
3. Contact Information:

Drop us an email using the contact form below on the blog or perhaps, you want to contact me directly on my mobile: +234 8166235519 or Email: with your requirements. Please be sure to add enough details so that we may respond appropriately to your query.